招生合作| 投诉/建议


全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


上课时段: 详见内容

开班时间: 滚动开班

课程价格: 请咨询

咨询电话: 400-888-9073

预约试听 在线咨询

授课学校: 北京美擎国际教育

教学点: 1个

已关注: 203人


课程介绍 发布日期:2017-07-24 17:51:28
  A Level in Art and Design requires students to develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding; Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops; Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress; Present a personal and meaningful response that realizes intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements with broad-based title of Art, Craft and Design or through one of five endorsed titles: Fine Art, Graphic Communication, Textile Design, Three-dimensional Design and Photography.
  Two components
  Teacher assessed and externally moderated
  Component 1:
  60% of the total qualification
  Marks available: 90
  Component 2:
  40% of the total qualification
  Marks available: 72
  Component 1:
  1. This allows students opportunities to generate and develop ideas, research primary and contextual sources, record practical and written observations, experiment with media and processes, and refine ideas towards producing personal resolved outcome(s).
  2. Students must work within one of the following titles: Art, Craft and Design, Fine Art, Graphic Communication, Textile Design, Three-dimensional Design and Photography.
  Component 2:
  This allows students opportunities to generate and develop ideas, research primary and contextual sources, record practical and written observations, experiment with media and processes, and refine ideas towards producing personal resolved outcome(s) in response to an externally set theme.

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 北京美擎国际教育 了解详情
咨询电话:400-888-9073 你也可以留下你的联系方式,让课程老师跟你详细解答: 在线咨询

关于我们 | 联系我们 | 北京美擎国际教育 地址:北京市朝阳区建外SOHO西区16号楼1202室 咨询电话:400-888-9073

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