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重庆学为贵教育新闻中心 NEWS


发布时间:2017-07-20 10:00:33 已帮助:204人 来源:重庆学为贵教育

  1.to come under intense scrutiny/supervision在---的严密监督之下
  2.pay for sth付出代价
  3.to enrich one’s leisure time/recreation/entertainment丰富业余生活
  4.to become an indispensable/unalienable part of life成为生活中不可缺少的一部分
  5.to have the right to do有权做---
  6.be curious about对---很好奇
  7.decent manners正派的行为
  8.eliminate/get rid of sth摆脱---
  9.as far/much as possible/to the full至多..
  10.be of great importance/significance to sth意义重大
  11.bring the free publicity/propaganda为---带来知命度
  12.to make/create/fabricate affairs to draw/attract/grab public attention编造事实来吸引公众的注意力
  13.to increase/improve/enhance one’s popularity提高知命度
  14.keen/fierce/intense/acute/vital competition激烈的竞争
  15.be satisfied with对---感到满意
  16.be attractive and entertaining有吸引力很娱乐性的
  17.to protect one’s privacy保护隐私
  18.to deprive sb of sth剥夺。的权力
  19.the sensational coverage/report轰动的报道
  20.to lead sb in constant danger使---陷入危险中

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