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发布时间:2017-05-27 14:56:10 已帮助:145人 来源:武汉环球教育培训学校

  Task 1
  Talk about a popular gathering place in your town where people like to go. Describe the place and explain why people enjoy going there. Include specific examples and details in your response. 要求描述一个人们爱聚集的一个地方并解释原因。
  考生拿到这个题大多会选择一个shopping center,leisure center或者park这种比较适合各个年龄阶层的人去的地方作为topic,下面是某位考生的作答:
  In my opinion, people in my town like to go to the central park for two reasons:
  To begin with, they can do some exercise there. A lot of people will go to the park to do some sports to keep healthy. Sometimes the whole family will get together in the park to do exercise.
  In addition,people could enjoy the beautiful views in the park and they feel relaxed. They can get close to nature and release pressure from work or study.
  So that's why people in my town will go to the park.
  我们来分析这个段子,开门见山给出topic-park, 用两个理由支撑-do exercise and enjoy views,但整个答案欠缺的就是细节充实的问题。比如do exercise后面,考生可以直接列出具体细节:
  People like to play Tai Chi or go jogging in the morning,and the whole family may get together to go for a walk after dinner or play badminton in the park.
  直接给出这种细节描述exercise让段子更生动,而不是一直重复people do exercise or do sports.
  同样的,第二层关于enjoy beautiful views后面也可以增加一些具体的景物描写,trees, flowers, lake, bridge, fountain等。
  Well, a gathering place in my town is the central park.
  One reason is that the park provides people a place to do some exercise. For example, old people would play Tai Chi in the early morning, students may go jogging around the park, and the whole family could go for a stroll after dinner. By doing some sports, they can keep healthy and energetic.
  Plus, people have the chance to get close to nature and escape from the rest of the city like the concrete buildings, loads of schoolwork and huge pressure from work. I mean, they could feel the fresh air blowing their face, the smell of the flowers in the park.
  So that's why citizens like to go to the park.
  例题:Task 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
  Students benefit more from classes with a large number of students than they do from smaller classes. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.
  学生的回答提纲是:smaller class is better
  1)Get more personal attention from professor
  2)Concentrate better
  比如:taking myself as an example, last summer, I took park in a painting training class and there were only five students in the class, so I got more time to interact with the teacher about my weakness in painting.
  很多学生质疑说这样的例子有说服力吗。但事实上独立口语本来就是侧重考生的familiar things,所以推荐用身边的小例子作为支撑。
  说:Students can concentrate better in smaller class because it's more quiet.
  后面的思路就枯竭了,这个时候就可以用举反例的细节扩展方法:however, in bigger classes, there are so many people that they may easily talk, laugh, joke around or gossip, which makes noise in the class to distract others.
  例:Describe the most efficient type of transportation in your country. Use details and examples to explain your response.
  Topic: airplane
  Reason 1:fast,save time
  Reason 2:no traffic congestion
  对于个reason, 我们可以直接给出数据和对比:
  For example,it only takes me 2 hours to fly from one city to another, however, when Ichoose to take train, it may cost me more than 20 hours.充分说明taking airplane is more efficient.
  例2:You prefer to watch movie in the movie theater or at home.
  Topic: at home
  Reason 1: save money
  Reason 2: have more options when choosing movies
  对于个理由,我们可以用倍数形式来显示在家看电影多省钱:watching movies in the movie theater costs 2 times more than watching same movies at home.
  The building is very tall.
  The building is as tall as 468 meters, ranking first in Asia and third in the world. There are 68 spheres in the building and the three biggest ones are observatories, where tourists can have a birds-eye view of the whole city. It has been the land mark of the city since it was completed.
  Example 1.那里有很多食物。
  There is a lot of traditional Chinese food.
  There is a lot of traditional Chinese food like Fried rice with egg, Gong pao Chicken, Ma Po Tofu, Dumplings, Pecking Duck and so on.
  Example 2.那里风景优美。
  It has beautiful scenery there.
  It has beautiful scenery there. I can smell the grass and flowers,hear the cries of the birds, and feel the bracing breeze on my face.
  Example 3.我可以了解一些外国的好玩的事情
  I would be able to know about interesting stuff in the foreign countries.
  I would be able to know about interesting stuff including their customs, cultures, and histories.

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