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发布时间:2017-08-11 13:58:49 已帮助:384人 来源:芜湖韦博国际英语培训学校

  花鸟颜色   are there any special meanings of different kinds of flower?   yes of course. different flowers have different meanings. for instance 牡丹, which is a common type of flower in china, represents fortune. and 梅花, which is another type of flower in northern part of china, symbolizes iron will.   on what occasions do people give each other flowers in your country?   in my country, people give each other flowers on occasions such as traditional festivals or when on a date, because flowers always represent something special. for example, roses represent love and passion so people often send roses on a date.   what color do you like?   i like black and white, because it’s simple. i’m a simple minded person and i think that’s why i like black and white. actually most of my clothing is in black or white.   do you think that colors can describe one’s personality?   yes i think colors ca describe one’s personality because you like a color for reasons. for example, i am a simple minded person and i think that’s why i like black and white.   what’s the special meaning of colors?   different colors have different meanings, especially when related to cultures. for instance, in chinese culture white represents sorrow and sadness while red represents happiness. however, in western culture white stands for purity while red symbolize passion and sometimes violence. so i think culture gives color special meanings.   do you like birds?   yes i like birds because they are cute. my family used to have a parrot as our pet. we called her captain. i’ve spent days and months trying to make her talk. however, it seemed that i was the one who’s doing all the talking. but still i like birds, they makes you relax when talking to them.   are there many birds in china?   yes there are many birds in china. i still remembered when i was in college there were always hundreds of them roaring across the sky by dawn, bit scary though. so i think we do have many birds in china.   what are the meanings of different birds?   i don’t know much about this questions but i think in china 喜鹊, which is a typical kind of bird in china, represents fortune and luck. it looks like a crow but with feather in both black and white. in some western cultures crow represents death. these are all that i know about this question.   how many kinds of birds have you ever seen?   that’s an abstract question to answer. i can’t be sure about that but i think probably 4 to 5 types, like pigeon, seagull, crow and some other birds, which i don’t recognize. i think i’ve seen many birds in my life.   is it popular to keep birds as pets?   yes i think it’s popular to keep birds as pets, because they cause less trouble i suppose. cats and dogs always dirty up your place and indeed it will cost you a lot to keep them. however birds don’t have these problems. so i think they are popular.   do you think we should protect birds?   personally speaking i think we should protect birds, because they extinct too if we don’t protect them. it is reported that tens of species die out everyday around the globe and birds make no exception. therefore we should protect birds.   do you think that birds are important to human beings?   yes i think birds are important to human beings, because they are essential links in maintaining ecological balance. i would be hard to imagine a world with out birds, the sky would be dead calm and forests would be silenced too. i believe that we can’t live without them.

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