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发布时间:2018-07-19 17:14:55 已帮助:178人 来源:西安牛学教育



  Well,the first film came to my mind is that new version of Beauty and the Beast,you know,the one from last year,featuring Emma Watson as Belle.

  I watched it in the cinema right after it was released in China,my friend Grace was with me.We went to the film because we are both big fans of Emma Watson,we adore her role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter.Besides,I simply love the story of Beauty and Beast,I’vewatched the old Disney animated version for many times.

  I was glad that there’s a new live-action film of the story,but the thing is,I don’t enjoy it that much.First of all,the early animated version gave me such a deep impression,I mean,you just don’t feel right about anything come after the original one.Secondly,to be specific,I don’t think Emma suit Belle after all.Emma’s personal characteristics are too strong,well-educated,independent,active for women’s rights and all.I feel the scriptwriters tried so hard to let Emma fit in the story,that consequently,everything seems a bit intentional and awkward.Like inventing a laundry instrument?I think they’ve gone too far.The small add-ups in the plot also made the pace slower.I mean this film really doesn’t have to be two hours long.

  To be honest,there are good things of course,like the special effects and the singings,but still,Disney could’ve done much better than this.

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