喜报 | 王府学子荣获2020 CTB全球总决赛金奖

来源:北京王府学校 时间:05-03

在10月初刚刚落下帷幕的China Thinks Big创新研究项目大挑战(简称CTB)的全球总决赛上,来自北京王府学校高三年级的董夏华、苑楚婕、刘凯然、李罗毅夫、刘奕潇5名同学,组成了名为“五头巨兽”的参赛小组,以主题为“高中生支教时长——我们与这些孩子不能只是一面之缘”的竞赛课题,参与了2020 CTB全球总决赛的激烈角逐。北京王府学校





China Thinks Big创新研究项目大挑战(简称CTB),是以学术研究和社会实践推动社会创新的国际级别高中生创新活动。

CTB源自哈佛大学传统的研究课题展示项目“Harvard Thinks Big”, 最早在2012年由哈佛和清华经管学院联合启动。8年来,CTB联合耶鲁、斯坦福、清华、北大等数十所国内外大学教授、诺贝尔奖、普利策奖得主与各领域专家学者,向世界范围华人中学生提出研究课题和创新挑战。

CTB从与大学接轨的学科知识出发,着眼身边生活,以名校学术方法论为蓝本,通过项目制学习(Project-based learning),旨在培养高中生学术与创新能力,以原创观点和创新方案践行“立大志,做小事”(Think Big, Start Small)的项目精神,提升大学接轨程度(college-readiness),服务国内外知名学府的人才培养和选拔,解决身边的社会问题



We at BRS are proud of our Grade 12 student team which competed in the China Thinks Big Project (CTB) Challenge 2019-20 Global Finals this October. Dong Xiahua, Yuan Chujie, Liu Kairan, Li Luoyifu, and Liu Yixiao distinguished themselves in the Voluntary teaching of high school students—We will not see you for ‘one last time’ program from the other 80 competitive teams around the globe. Li Luoyifu won the CTB Global Final Individual Competition Gold Prize (ranked 1st), and Liu Kairan and Yuan Chujie won the CTB Global Final Individual Competition Second Prize (ranked in the top 5-15%).

China Thinks Big (CTB) is a research-oriented social innovation challenge which originated from a collaboration between Harvard and Tsinghua University in 2012 and has since expanded to become one of the largest high school social innovation programs in China. Advisors and partnerships from more than fifty universities and institutions and thousands of teams from across the world participate each year. Prioritizing learning and skill acquisition, CTB aims to provide all participants with a strong academic foundation, beginning with a series of meaningful online learning modules, developed by Harvard College students, which cover each step of the project. Learning and applying the information provided by these modules is strongly recommended, as they prepare teams to meet CTB standards and build skills critical in university and beyond.

Congratulations to all on a job well done!