招生合作| 投诉/建议


全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


  • 长颈鹿美语_RowanPete

    RowanPeterson I try to make my teaching style fun and engaging. If the students walk out of the classroom really happy - confident with their coursework and smiling at the same time - I know I've done my job. One of my classes making great progress enjoy many new activities to keep the lessons fresh. They're a little bunch of top learners so I let them choose the games.. while I look after the content. Success at learning English comes from having the language in your life. For kids, this means that English must always keep thei

  • 长颈鹿美语_JJ

    Some say that life is like a game of rummy“one must keep their options open”。I believe the same is true when considering the teaching of young learners。This is because an effective pedagogue should not solely rely on one method of teaching but a wide array and should not considered the class as one individual but as a group of individuals each with their own specific capabilities and unique methods of learning。Thus designing a lesson which meets the needs of all learners involved requires the teacher to keep his pedagogical reper

  • 长颈鹿美语_HeidiXu

    HeidiXu “No Child Left Behind!” 有教无类---中国文化源远流长的教育思想,一直以来是我教学的生崖中的灯塔,每个孩子拥有不同的潜质,如何能在课堂内设置多元的活动类型,让每个待开发的潜质能够被激发,进而能引领出孩子学习自主性的两大因素:兴趣和自信!与孩子一同相处,一同学习,“You always need to act before they do.” 孩子的一举一动总是能为老师带来很多创意性的思考,教学相长的体现不只是在老师们之间,老师和家长,老师和学生们是更为直接的接口,我常常抱着感恩的心情告诉我的家长们:谢谢你们在孩子的学习上,总是尽情的参与和大方的鼓励孩子,你们信任和快乐的微笑,是我灵感和创意的导师!

  • 长颈鹿美语_ElinCheng

    ElinCheng 孩子在一个环境良好的环境学习是必要的;给予孩子的鼓励是必需的;孩子在学习环境中遇到挫折是必然的!每个孩子都有独特的一面,需要被激发被发掘。我们的责任是让孩子快乐学习,引导孩子们有自信说英文,不怕去犯错。口说是我最重视的教学原则,因为沟通可以让彼此去认识,然而要让孩子使沟通变成自然的一件事,每天就要不断的去练习,从错误中去了解错误,完美的练习就会变成 『熟能生巧』

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