招生合作| 投诉/建议


全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


上课时段: 详见内容

开班时间: 滚动开班

课程价格: 请咨询

咨询电话: 400-060-0103

预约试听 在线咨询

授课学校: 上海飞迅舞蹈

教学点: 1个

已关注: 272人


课程介绍 发布日期:2020-01-09 10:57:04


Beg.Jazz Funk(初级)

  Jazz Funk或街头爵士是一个融合传统爵士技术和街舞风格和节奏的舞蹈。能在Beyonce,Janet Jackson,Rihanna和Chris Brown的MTV录像看到。舞蹈强调的是音乐感,动力和“槽”。这门课是专为想进入商业圈或想自我提高的舞者,也适合那些想寻找一个有趣的方式来重返舞蹈的你。Jazz Funk—or Street Jazz—is a fusion of traditional jazz technique with the rhythms and groundedness of street dance styles.It can be seen in the videos of recording artists such as Beyonce,Janet Jackson,Rihanna,and Chris Brown.The emphasis is placed on musicality,dynamics,and finding the“groove”.This class is designed for the dancer looking to expand their training to the commercial styles,experienced dancers who want to refine their skills,former dancers looking for a fun way to reconnect with dance,and those who want to just dive in and have fun moving.

Beg.Sexy Jazz(初级)

  Sexy Jazz的特点就是强调身体的延展,很讲究Pose感和形体,是最常见女生擅长的风格!Sexy Jazz是在Jazz的基础上,加入性感舞蹈动作和Pose来增加视觉感。基于爵士和纽约高跟鞋舞蹈,课程能帮助提高协调性,控制力,切分音节奏和身体律动。适合想在一个有趣的学习环境下提高的初学者。Based on the style of jazz and high-heel dance,this class introduces students to syncopated rhythms,isolated bodymovements and sexy jazz moves.An excellent choice for beginner dancer looking to expand their dance vocabulary in an upbeat environment with a strong focus on improving technique,coordination and musicality.

Beg.Broadway Jazz(初级)

  Broadway Jazz的舞姿有一种原始奔放的感觉,然而舞蹈者看上去又十分高贵优雅。它吸收了芭蕾、现代舞、拉丁舞的元素和技巧,要表达的是女人的妩媚与性感。这课程适合初级舞者学习正确的基本爵士技术和经典百老汇风格。上课热身将专注于提高爵士舞基本功,力量和控制力。课程后半段通过组合让你开心的在音乐里自我表现。An ideal class for dancers to learn proper basic jazz technique and classical broadway style.The class begins with a set warm-up and progressions focused on improving basic jazz technique,strength,and flexibility.The last portion of class is dedicated to a combination focusing on performance,style,rhythm,and having fun.You are encouraged to take class at your own pace in this supportive and stress-free environment.

Street Jazz(初中级)

  这是一个合街舞,现代舞和爵士风的独特自由式(freestyle)课程,让学生体验自由流动性动作的音乐理解。适合对自我有挑战的舞者。A unique freestyle class incorporating hip-hop,contemporary and jazz,where students can experience free-flow movements with strong focus on musicality and improvisation.An excellent choice for dancers looking to challenge themselves in an upbeat environment.

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 上海飞迅舞蹈 了解详情
咨询电话:400-060-0103 你也可以留下你的联系方式,让课程老师跟你详细解答: 在线咨询

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